Thursday, June 9, 2011

thankful thursday

So very thankful for....
1.  Root canals!! Yes that's right, root canals. After a year with a tooth ache, a year with avoiding too cold or too hot foods and beverages, a year with only chewing on my left side, I am thankful to have had a root canal today! Yay for normal chewing and extreme temperatures :)
2. I'm thankful for family (thanks Kim!) able to watch Sydney while I got my root canal and while Josh and I celebrate our anniversary on Saturday at Sushi Rock and a David Bazan concert!!
3. for midwest seasons! Living in the south for so many years we didn't get actual seasons like you do up here in Ohio. Now, don't get me wrong, this winter drug on forEVER (not gonna lie about desperately missing mild winters ). But, I'm so thankful for the seasonal distinctions. Especially a summer where I can spend every day outside not sweating to death, cool evenings, and a beautiful fall to look forward too.
4. My husband. So thankful for 9 years, can't wait for the next 50 :)

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