Tuesday, May 27, 2014

back to the zoo and the last day of kindergarten...

Well, I'm just not a very consistent blogger :) Our only computer (Josh's work laptop) other than ipads is on it's very last leg so uploading pictures takes a decade...hence my lack of blogging. BUT, here is a bit of we've been up to lately. We went back to our summer home....the ZOO!

of course Sydney rode a pony :)
and Miles still loves the goats (because he can touch them!)

this boy was fearless, he got right in there while they were eating

i think he was trying to brush every single one...he got pretty close!

they just opened a new Africa exhibit and it's really awesome

the giraffe viewing area was a family favorite!
they come right up to you....almost face to face!

such a pretty area

fun day!!

And today is Sydney's last day of kindergarten!! This school year flew by.  I'm thankful school is done and to have Sydney home all day every day! Just by judging how fast this year went I dread how fast the following years will go by. I wish time would just slow down a bit! Sydney did so well in school this year. She really came out of her shell and learned so much, so quickly. She made good friends and really enjoyed her teacher. She ended the school year two reading levels ahead what was recommended, she excelled in Math and writing. And is the best little artist I know :)
Look how much she's grown...