Saturday, September 29, 2012

lovely fall day...

I LOVE fall. It is hands down my favorite season. We took a walk today to enjoy the colors of the leaves and perfect temperature. Hope there are lots more days like this one...
walk on the bike trail

Syd was practicing riding as fast as she could :)

Just an FYI, this is what Sydney looks like 80% of the time I try to take her picture.
It's like it pains her to look at the camera :)
This is after a few tries :)

Miles LOVES shadows so this bike trail walk must
have been heaven for him

Thursday, September 27, 2012

mega photo update....

It's been awhile since I've updated due to a long few weeks here in the Boozell home.  My mom, brother, and grandma came to visit a few weeks ago and my bro left us with a stomach bug...only to be followed with food poisoning a couple weeks later. So we are slowly recovering and feeling ok enough to share some pictures :)
kiddos with Unle PC

kiddos with Nana

Kiddos and I with Gigi
Syd playing in the rain

Syd wanted to play Dr for Miles

wiping his head?

Miles was a willing patient for shots

and the kids were halloween twins today and
it wasn't even on purpose! So, of course
we had to capture that :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

6 months!!!!

One half of a year has gone by since little Miles joined us, how time flies! He is such a sweet and happy baby. I love going to get him up from a nap because he always greets me with a smile. He's rolling around like a crazy person and can get where he wants to go. He's starting to sit up all by himself and gaining lots of strength. Sydney continues to be a great big sister and he is constantly following her with his eyes trying to figure out what she's doing. Here's the big 6 month old...