Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter :)

We had a wonderful Easter day full of baskets, church, and lots of working on the house :)  I had pictures of the kids with their baskets but my camera decided to not keep those...bummer :( Sydney got to sing in the children's choir at church and really enjoyed that (video below!) It was a great day of remembering that our Savior Jesus Christ is risen and has given us life!!
Ready for church :)

She found an egg
(this was a reenactment since I lost the other photos :)

he found one too!


Happy Easter from the Boozells :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

let's get to work...

We closed on the house Friday and wasted no time getting started!! We went right over to Home Depot, loaded up the minivan with supplies, and spent the weekend hard at work. Here are a few "in progress" shots of the house...
kitchen- before and in progress

bathroom- before and in progress

living room- before and in progress

Sydney's room- before and in progress
the color is much more subdued in person
Sydney got to help paint her room a nice bright yellow!
The kids were troopers while we worked!
We set up a little play room and they pretend painted quite a bit :)

And in other news, there was a pretty hilarious conversation going on between our kids on the way to church yesterday. Sydney learned how to play "truth or dare" at sleepover with her cousins a couple weeks ago. (her examples of their game...truth: do you like horses or unicorns better? or dare: you have to lick your toe :) So here was the conversation...
Sydney: "Miles, Truth or Death?"
Josh and I laugh quite a bit
Josh: "it's Truth or Dare, always Dare...never Death" haha
Sydney: "ok, Truth or Dare Miles?"
Miles has no idea what's going on
Sydney: "Ok, Truth? Do you like God or plants better?"
Miles: "I want Elmo."
Sydney: "Ok, Truth or dare Miles? You pick truth. Do you like Jesus or cars better?"
Miles: "I like friends."
It was an entertaining drive, to say the very least :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

we bought a house!

Tomorrow we will be closing on a house!! We are buying the house to remodel and sell in a year or so, so it's more of a project than a home...but in the mean time it's still ours :) It's going to make for a crazy busy month between working, packing, and moving! Below are the before shots...lots of work to do!!!

our little mint green house :)
(we'll be changing the color)

backyard and garage
backyard....yay for a fenced in yard!


living room
Master bedroom 

Mile's room

Sydney's room


And before the crazy busyness begins, we took a second to play playdough....