Wednesday, August 17, 2011

words of encouragement...

I had my ipod on shuffle the other day and this song came on. It's one of my favorite Waterdeep songs and God used this song as an incredible reminder of how BIG God is and how BIG his love for us is.

Below are the lyrics...
Big Enough to Hold Me by Waterdeep
The space in my mind is too small for You
The space in my heart is too small for You too
And all of things of the earth that I know
Are too small for all of the greatness You've shown
But in all of this I'm still facing my needs
And I'm scared of how big they feel to me

I know You, You
You are big enough to hold me
I know You, You
You are big enough to hold me
I know You Lord, yeah You
Will carry me through

The space between stars is billions of miles
The space for the famous and millions of eyes
But not all of the stars in the Heavens and Earth
None can compare to Your infinite worth
And I still get lonely and wonder out loud
If anyone notices me in a crowd

I know You, You
You are big enough to hold me
I know You, You
You are big enough to hold me
I know You Lord, yeah You
Will carry me through

How great, how high
How deep, how wide is Your love

Nothing can separate from the love of Christ
All heights and depths, things past and things to come

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:38-39

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