Thursday, August 18, 2011

thankful thursday

so very thankful....

1. for fabulous weather the past couple weeks which has meant lots of time outside enjoying it!!!
2. for Sydney's easy going personality. We experienced the other side of her personality last night with lots of tears and tantrums, but those times are few and far between and it makes me SO thankful for how she is just generally happy and goes with the flow. We're pretty lucky :)
3. for a car that gets us where we need to go. We had a scare a couple weeks ago when I got stranded with a dead car, it magically fixed itself and works like a champ again. We got such a killer deal on our little Volvo wagon and I am thankful every day that it proves to be reliable.
4. for bubbles....the simplest toy that brings hours of entertainment and enjoyment :)
5. for this recipe for Broccoli and Cheddar soup. I wasn't planning on making it until later this week but had a hankering for it yesterday and we were NOT disappointed. It was probably the best Broccoli Cheddar soup I've had!
6. for these verses in Psalm 34. An awesome reminder of the Lord's kindness, of how God loves us, delivers us, and doesn't leave us on our own to face our fears.
"I sought the LORD, and he answered me;  he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant;  their faces are never covered with shame. "   Psalm 34:4-5

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