Thursday, August 25, 2011

SO thankful....

Today I am so very thankful to share some big news in the Boozell family. A lot of you may already know our news but I wanted to wait a little while before we went internet public but......

We're having a baby!!!  :) :) :)

The three of us could not be more excited to welcome this new addition to our family. It is a huge blessing in our lives and we praise God daily for this new life growing in my belly. Here is a picture from my 9 wk ultrasound (a few weeks ago, I'm 12 wks tomorrow).

You can see the arm bud, umbilical cord, and leg bud
(in that order from left to right)


  1. My dear, I'm SOOOO happy for you guys!! What a cool, loving, and fun family you are!! Praying for you as you prepare for Baby Boozell #2!!!

  2. Congratulations, Linde and Josh!!! I'm just catching up on your blog... I didn't realize you had one until you commented on mine :)
