Thursday, February 23, 2012

baby update!

We went to the doctor this morning and the baby finally turned, yay!!! That was such a huge relief to me, even though I know they do C-sections all the time, I was scared for the unknown/unfamiliar. But what an answer to prayer...let's just keep praying he stays in this position!! I had an ultrasound and they are estimating that he weighs about 6 lbs 12 oz and we got to see his face for the first time! It was pretty amazing to see cute little cheeks, nose, and eyes that we'll get to meet very soon. Things are progressing and now we are just waiting....he could join us any day now :)

Here's an updated belly pic...

and here is the excited big sister...

1 comment:

  1. Linde, YAY!! So glad he turned his little bod to the right position! Praying for you in this journey!!

    Hopefully we can talk before you add to your family!! :)

