Monday, January 9, 2012

a belated birthday post...

Since we were traveling over Sydney's birthday I haven't had a chance to sit and reflect (on here anyway) on the fact that she is now four years old. Honestly, it just blows my mind...where does time go??

I have to say that I have really enjoyed this year with Sydney. Of course it had it's challenges of gaps in communication/understanding, testing boundaries, and the like. But maybe because this was my first year of being a stay at home mom, as I look back it was good year :). I love being able to watch Sydney learn and grow each day and am blessed to be able to be at home with her.

Now...on to the four year old...Sydney is just precious. She really is! She has such a tender heart. She shows genuine concern when someone is hurting. She wants to be helpful. She cares about what is going on around her. She is hilarious and says and does things that have us laughing constantly. She remembers the smallest details of the strangest things. She has a wild imagination and is always coming up with something to play that is so elaborate and creative. She loves music and can pretty much memorize a melody and lyrics after hearing something only a couple times. She loves to draw and color. She is SO shy (which we're working on) and avoids even eye contact with strangers which can make meeting anyone new a HUGE challenge. She loves her family and talks about everyone often. I have no doubt she will be an amazing big sister to her little brother. She is patient and flexible which I know is not typical of a 4 year old, but is a quality I cherish, praise her for, and thank the Lord for. She is full of love, tells Josh and I that she loves us several times a day....and I will never get sick of hearing that nor will I take it for granted because I know she won't always say it so often. And my favorite quality of our little girl is that she knows Jesus loves her, and she loves him....and she believes that he actually lives inside her heart (literally in her chest) which I think is such a beautiful example of faith like a child :)
I cannot imagine life without you, Sydney. You are such a wonderful daughter with a beautiful heart and I cannot wait to see what God does in and through your life. We are so lucky to have you.

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