Well, it finally arrived. I have been dreading this day for a while now...and it's here. The day that my baby girl starts school :( Although I was sad to see this day come (and seriously terrified, if we're being honest), it has been such a special day and Sydney was thrilled to go! We practiced eating out of the lunchbox yesterday, had her choice for dinner last night, laid out her clothes before bed, had a special breakfast, and of course picture time :) I have been amazed at how easy this has been for her. She has been so ready to go and was even pushing us out the door this morning. When we got to her classroom and she sat at her desk, the little girl next to her said "Are you nervous to go to school?" and Sydney confidently said "No :)" I was able to hold back the tears until we got home, but leaving her...looking so itty bitty sitting at her desk... was absolutely gut wrenching. I know she'll do well. I know she'll love it. I just can't believe it's here already...because even though we see this....

I still see this....
Here's her first day of kindergarten......
she requested blueberry muffins for her first day of school breakfast :) |
getting ready! |
Miles is going to miss his playmate on school days! |
with daddy :) |
with mommy :) |
we're here!! |
at her desk |
Sydney, I could not be more proud of you or more proud to be your mommy. You are so special, so kind and tender hearted, so funny, so awesome. This is the beginning of an adventure and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you at school! I love you more than you know!!!